El proyecto Historical Household Budgets pretende reunir información sobre los presupuestos de hogares de los últimos dos siglos para analizar los cambios de largo plazo. En su presentación señalan que el enfoque inicial es la construcción de una base de datos de múltiples temas de los presupuestos de los hogares desde 1800 hasta la actualidad, junto con las medidas asociadas de los niveles de vida. La base de datos histórica de presupuestos de hogares (HHBD) disponible para investigadores incluye cerca de 500 variables, entre ellas: consumo, ingresos y riqueza, salarios y precios al por menor, educación y salud, antropometría y fertilidad, empleo y migración, vivienda, agricultura, acceso al crédito y exposición a los shocks, provenientes de diversas fuentes. Una iniciativa complementaria es la creación de una red de investigadores que comparten datos y desarrollan técnicas para trabajar con los presupuestos de los hogares. Una serie documentos de trabajo promueve la difusión de la investigación en curso.
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The initial focus of the HHB project is the construction of a multi-topic database of household budgets from 1800 to the present day, together with associated measures of living standards. The Historical Household Budgets Database (HHBD) comprises ca. 500 variables including consumption, income and wealth, wages and retail prices, education and health, anthropometrics and fertility, employment and migration, housing, agriculture, access to credit, and exposure to shocks. The HHBD, along with an extensive collection of references is made available to scholars around the world.
A complementary initiative is the creation of a network of researchers who provide and share data, further develop techniques for working with household budgets not collected in the context of modern probabilistic surveys, and undertake substantive research into the history of poverty and inequality. Without imposing top-down direction, the HHB project provides a degree of coordination and direction to the collective effort of this network. A dedicated working paper series promotes the dissemination of on-going research
The initial focus of the HHB project is the construction of a multi-topic database of household budgets from 1800 to the present day, together with associated measures of living standards. The Historical Household Budgets Database (HHBD) comprises ca. 500 variables including consumption, income and wealth, wages and retail prices, education and health, anthropometrics and fertility, employment and migration, housing, agriculture, access to credit, and exposure to shocks. The HHBD, along with an extensive collection of references is made available to scholars around the world.
A complementary initiative is the creation of a network of researchers who provide and share data, further develop techniques for working with household budgets not collected in the context of modern probabilistic surveys, and undertake substantive research into the history of poverty and inequality. Without imposing top-down direction, the HHB project provides a degree of coordination and direction to the collective effort of this network. A dedicated working paper series promotes the dissemination of on-going research