Un corto tiempo atrás se han publicado algunos trabajos con cifras de largo plazo de Chile, en temas de de inversión, capital y cuentas fiscales.
En uno de los trabajos, Inversión y capital: Chile, 1833-2010, José Díaz B. y Jeanne Gert Wagner, destacan "This
paper reports sources and methods utilized when estimating Chilean gross
investment and net capital stock of fixed assets between 1833 and 2010.Two
types of assets are identified: (i)machinery and equipment and (ii)construction
(total). The main source for machinery investments is imports and a price for
such goods based on Chilean import structure and export data of providing
countries. In the case of construction, we rely on public expenditure on
infrastructure and indirect measures for private activity. From 1940 onwards
all data is obtained from national accounts. Capital is generated applying the
perpetual inventory method. Main findings are: (i)Chile starts from a quite low
capital output ratio around 1830, (ii)in the second half of the 19th Century,
and specially due to the expansion of construction, the economy reaches capital
output ratios comparable with other countries, (iii)the relative importance of
machinery and equipment in total investment starts at practically zero
increasing along the 170 years, (iv)capital per laborer expands systematically
but slowly"
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Por otra parte, en el abstract de Construcción de Cuentas Fiscales1810-2010: Dos Exploraciones Específicas, sus autores (José Díaz B. ; Constanza Gómez M. ; Jeanne Gert Wagner): "The
aim of this working paper is twofold: first, to extend the series provided by
Jofre, Lüders and Wagner (2000) until 2010 and second, check specific series in
the light of additional information on the subject."
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