Enlace: The Trans Pacific Silver Trade and Early-Modern Globalization

Para escuchar: The Trans Pacific Silver Trade and Early-Modern Globalization, es un podcast de serie 15minutehistory.org, de la University of Texas at Austin. Kristie Flannery, (del Departamento de Historia) es la entrevistadora de Ashleigh Dean, (Assistant Professor of Asian History, Monmouth University)

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del proyecto acáSu resumen relata: "New episodes are coming soon! In the meantime, fans might be interested in hearing an interview co-host Christopher Rose did about the history and behind the scenes processes that go into producing 15 Minute History with the FIR Podcast NetworkWhen Chris Rose, Outreach Director at the University of Texas at Austin’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies, launched the 15 Minute History Podcast in 2013, he had no idea that within eight months it would shoot to the number one ranked podcast on iTunesU. 15 Minute History is a podcast about world and US history produced by the History Department at the University of Texas at Austin. The series is devoted to short, accessible discussions of important topics in World History and US History led by the faculty and graduate students at the school. The original goal in setting up the podcast was to take the school’s research and make it accessible to the public, something that they seem to be doing quite well as evidenced by the 3,000 – 4,000 downloads per episode. You can listen to the podcast here: http://firpodcastnetwork.com/podcasting-in-higher-education/