Artículos: The age of mass migration in Latin America

Blanca Sánchez-Alonso, Universidad CEU-San Pablo, publicó The age of mass migration in Latin Americacomo EHES Working Paper No. 134, July 2018. En su abstract resume: "The experiences of Latin American countries are not fully incorporated into current debates concerning the age of mass migration even though 13 million Europeans migrated to the region between 1870 and 1930. This paper draws together different aspects of the Latin America immigration experience. Its main objective is to rethink the role of European migration to the region, addressing several major questions in the economics of migration: whether immigrants were positively selected from their sending countries, how immigrants assimilated into the host economies, the role of immigration policies, and the long-run effects of immigration. Immigrants came from the economically backward areas of Southern and Eastern Europe, yet their adjustment to the host labour markets in Latin America seems to have been successful. The possibility of rapid social upgrading made Latin America attractive for European immigrants. Migrants were positively selected from origin according to literacy. The most revealing aspect of new research is showing the positive long-run effects that European immigrants had in Latin American countries. The political economy of immigration policies deserves new research, particularly for Brazil and Cuba. The case of Argentina shows a more complex scenario than the classic representation of landowners constantly supporting an open-door policy."
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Libro (y podcast): When Wheat Was King: The Rise and Fall of the Canada-UK Grain Trade

André Magnan publicó When Wheat Was King: The Rise and Fall of the Canada-UK Grain Trade (University of British Columbia Press, 2016). David Fouser (Santa Monica College, Laguna College of Art & Design, and Chapman University) lo entrevista al respecto. Ver presentación y link a a la entrevista acá
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Artículo: The Industrialization of South America Revisited: Evidence from Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia, 1890-2010

Gerardo della Paolera (Central European University), Xavier Durán (Universidad de los Andes),  y Aldo Musacchio (Brandeis University) publicaron The Industrialization of South America Revisited: Evidence from Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Colombia, 1890-2010, en cuyo abstract se lee: "We use new manufacturing GDP time series to examine the industrialization in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Colombia since the early twentieth century. We uncover variation across countries and over time that the literature on industrialization had overlooked. Rather than providing a single explanation of how specific shocks or policies shaped the industrialization of the region, our argument is that the timing of the industrial take off was linked to initial conditions, while external shocks and macroeconomic and trade policy explain the variation in the rates of industrialization after the 1930s and favorable terms of trade and liberalization explain deindustrialization after 1990."
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Fue comentado en el blog The NEP-HIS por Thales Zamberlan Pereira (Universidade Franciscana): ver enlace aquí 

Curso: El Mediterráneo, espacio de intercambios

Universitat de Barcelona ofrece en Cousera el curso El Mediterráneo, espacio de intercambios (del Renacimiento a la Ilustración) en el que se presenta el Mediterráneo desde la historia y el análisis del pasado, como un espacio generado por las rutas y las circulaciones. En su resumen leemos "Consideramos necesario divulgar la movilidad como factor histórico. Una movilidad centrada en cuatro grandes ámbitos: las personas, los objetos, las ideas y las prácticas. Al analizar la realidad mediterránea entre los siglos XV y XIX, del Renacimiento a la Ilustración, ponemos un foco especial en su orilla occidental, un área abocada a la transferencia y el intercambio, tanto en el ámbito social y económico como en el político y cultural, con la Península Ibérica, las islas y la Península Itálica como espacios de gran dinamismo." Comienza el 29 de junio

Este curso no tiene una prueba gratuita de 7 días con acceso completo, sin embargo se puede participar como oyente y acceder a ciertos contenidos  de manera gratuita. 

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Blogs: Poche Storie - A Concise Blog on Italian Economic History

ASE (Associazione per la Storia Economica) presentó "Poche Storie - A Concise Blog on Italian Economic History"; blog con los abstracts de la  Rivista di Storia Economica. La primera entrada fue publicada por Gabriele Cappelli (UAB), quien resume su paper "Was Putnam wrong? The determinants of social capital in Italy around 1900" (Rivista di Storia Economica, a. XXXIII, n. 3, December 2017). Para recibir información es posible suscribirse al  newsletter (en italiano).

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Artículos: Business cycle narratives

Vegard Larsen and Leif Thorsrud publicaron Business cycle narratives, en cuyo resumen leemos "This article quantifies the epidemiology of media narratives relevant to business cycles in the US, Japan, and Europe (euro area). We do so by first constructing daily business cycle indexes computed on the basis of the news topics the media writes about. At a broad level, the most in uential news narratives are shown to be associated with general macroeconomic developments, finance, and (geo-)politics. However, a large set of narratives contributes to our index estimates across time, especially in times of expansion. In times of trouble, narratives associated with economic uctuations become more sparse. Likewise, we show that narratives do go viral, but mostly so when growth is low. While narratives interact in complicated ways, we document that some are clearly associated with economic fundamentals. Other narratives, on the other hand, show no such relationship, and are likely better explained by classical work capturing the market's animal spirits."

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Como siempre, Bernardo Bátiz-Lazo gentilmente nos informa sobre grandes novedades de interés mediante sus comunicaciones. En este caso, difundimos que The WORLD TRADE HISTORICAL DATA BASE  (Universidad Carlos III) puede consultarse para localizar series de importaciones y exportaciones en dólares corrientes y constantes para muchísimos países desde 1800, junto a información adicional sobre la composición del comercio, los términos del intercambio, fletes, precios, etc. Incluye detallada nota metodológica. Cualquier consulta puede dirigirse a Antonio Tena-Junguito (
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Artículos: How to become a leader in an emerging new global market: The determinants of French wine exports, 1848-1938

María Isabel Ayuda (Universidad de Zaragoza, Department of Economic Analysis, Faculty of Economics and Business Studies) ; Hugo Ferrer-Pérez (CREDA-UPC-IRTA, Edifici ESAB-PMT) y Vicente Pinilla (Universidad de Zaragoza and Instituto Agroalimentario de Aragón -IA2- (Universidad de Zaragoza-CITA), Department of Applied Economics) publicaron How to become a leader in an emerging new global market: The determinants of French wine exports, 1848-1938cuyo resumen señala "When studying the emergence of new global markets it is essential to consider how countries and companies compete to obtain advantageous positions. Our objective is to study how France obtained an initial leadership position in the new global wine market which it subsequently consolidated. We will also analyse the main determinants of its exporting success. In order to do this we have quantified its exports and examined its evolution and its principal export markets. We have also used a gravity model for both ordinary wine and high quality wine in order to establish the key variables that explain this evolution. The article highlights the great efforts made by the exporters to improve the quality of their products and increase their sales using modern marketing techniques. Our econometric results also show some significant differences between the determinants of exports for the two types of wine. However, the exports of both products suffered the strong impact of a series of major events, such as The First World War, the Russian Revolution, the Prohibition in the United States and the Great Depression. The case of wine shows that the collapse of the first globalisation was not the same for all types of product."

Artículos: Age at Arrival and Assimilation during the Age of Mass Migration

Alexander Rohan  y Zachary Ward publicaron Age at Arrival and Assimilation during the Age of Mass Migration, en cuyo abstract se lee "We estimate the effect of age at arrival for immigrant outcomes with a new dataset of arrivals linked to the 1940 United States Census. Using within-family variation, we find that arriving at an older age, or having more childhood exposure to the European environment, led to a more negative wage gap relative to the native born. Infant arrivals had a positive wage gap relative to natives, in contrast to a negative gap for teenage arrivals. Therefore, a key determinant of immigrant outcomes during the Age of Mass Migration was the country of residence during critical periods of childhood development."